You know how the family photo on the right says, "Our family will soon be growing?" Well, it will be growing even more than we expected. : )
Two lines means pregnant right?
Many of you know our pregnancy history and can understand my fears. Please pray for us. This is wonderful news! I am so happy....yet so afraid. Please pray that I will have peace and joy and NO FEAR! God is good and in control. He is the giver of life and I trust Him.
We just found out, but we didn't want to keep it a secret because we know how much we need support and prayers. Thank you for loving us and praying for us. As Amy said yesterday, "Now JJ is going to be a big brother!"
I will be trying a new treatment this time around. I will be taking baby aspirin and giving myself daily injections of Lovenox, a blood thinner. The blood tests that we did never showed a cause for why the babies' hearts stopped beating, but my history is very similar to a clotting disorder, so we are hoping that this will be a helpful thing this time around. I'll keep you updated on our growing family!
Love you all.

Note added at 10 PM: Some of the comments mentioned that you were unfamiliar with my pregnancy here it is: My first two pregnancies with Karissa and Amy in 2002 and 2003 were perfect and easy. When we tried for our third child, however, we lost four babies in a row. I was five months pregnant with our baby boy, David, when his heart stopped beating. After David, we had an early miscarriage, and then we had two more pregnancies, one a baby boy and the last one a baby girl, where the babies' hearts also just mysteriously stopped beating. It has been a year and a half since my last miscarriage, so I'm hoping that my body has had time to recover and that this new treatment will be a success. Thank you for praying for this baby.
Your header keeps shrinking--you'd better put another one on. Thanks so much for your blog. I am always so tempted to call you and waste huge chunks of your time on the phone. This way I get my daily fix satisfied. Right now the snow is DUMPING, and it is suppose to all day. It feels like we are being buried in white. I love it, but wish you were here to share the joy. Love Mom
How wonderful!! Praying for you to feel God's perfect peace through an understandably fearful time.
Lifting you up,
This is so great Becky. I only know bits of info about your past losses. I pray that you will have peace and joy throughout this pregnancy that ends with a happy, healthy new Avella.
I am so happy for you guys! Of course the moment I heard I said a prayer of peace for you and your family. Hey did you happen to watch the Hallmark movies? Love's enduring Promise, Love's Abiding Joy, etc. etc. I thought of you as I watched them, and am still watching them, They were awsome! My pefect movie, is what I told Mike. Anyway, love you!
What wonderful news. Congratulations and I will be praying for you and your family!
Stefanie Solt
Congrats Becky and family!! We will be praying for you!!
I don't know your pregnancy history, but having lost two babies within a span of 6 months I know it is rough. I haven't been pregnant since those losses but I can't imagine how I wouldn't would be difficult. Congratulations! I am SO excited for you and will be praying for a healthy pregnancy.
Jamie M.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am thrilled for you, and will be praying!! What great, great news!
Jamie :0)
Praying for you and this new life.
alice r.
Oh Becky, Congratulations! What wonderful news! I will be praying faithfully for your body and for your precious little one. I lost a baby in my second trimester, and it was so difficult... I can't imagine experiencing loss like you have. May the Lord give you peace as you trust in Him.
On a side note, your Liberian son is THE CUTEST little guy in the world! Oh my! I knew who he was right away, and I fell in love with him. Can't wait to see pictures of him in your arms! He is a tiny little peanut just like Henry!
I am thrilled to pieces to hear this good news! How are you feeling? When are you due? I will be praying for you throughout your entire pregnancy! Oh Becky, I cannot express how happy I am for you :)
We will be praying for you and this new little blessing.
Andi Deely
Becky. . .first of all, I think I am a blog stalker for you! I get your posts emailed to me, so I tend to forget to come and comment!
Second. . .Congrats!!!
Lord Jesus, Protect this little one. Please be with him/her as YOU form his/her unborn body. Please wash over Becky and her family with your sweet spirit of peace throughout this pregnancy. May she praise you every day and not allow Satan to bring worry. Cover her Jesus and teach her more about You, Your Plans for her and herself through this process. Amen
Congrats, Becky. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. It was so great to see you and the girls last week, and now to hear this exciting news. I only pray, God willing, that things are better this time.
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